
Membership is open to IP practitioners having at least sufficient ability as a skier. The number of members is limited. Applications for membership must be in writing comprising the nomination of two members as well as attendance of one meeting in the status of a guest is required. Admission to membership is at the sole discretion of the General Assembly and will be confirmed by vote.

Information for lost members

During the IPSKI general meeting held in Saalbach in January 2011, it was decided that any IPSKI member, who has not paid his/her yearly membership fee for 3 consecutive years shall be de-listed from the viewable membership list on the website and will be taken out of the official IPSKI email distribution list. To attend an Annual Meeting, all pending membership fees must be paid. If you have formerly been an IPSKI member and have lost touch, please contact us.


Membership is open to IP practitioners having at least sufficient ability as a skier. The number of members is limited. Applications for membership must be in writing comprising the nomination of two members as well as attendance of one meeting in the status of a guest is required. Admission to membership is at the sole discretion of the General Assembly and will be confirmed by vote.

Information for lost members

During the IPSKI general meeting held in Saalbach in January 2011, it was decided that any IPSKI member, who has not paid his/her yearly membership fee for 3 consecutive years shall be de-listed from the viewable membership list on the website and will be taken out of the official IPSKI email distribution list. To attend an Annual Meeting, all pending membership fees must be paid. If you have formerly been an IPSKI member and have lost touch, please contact us.

Member List